I followed instructions to re-install simlink and added the .exe to windows firewall. I still see the dialog below. Attached are the logs. Not sure on how to proceed.
simlink.zip (1.4 KB)
I followed instructions to re-install simlink and added the .exe to windows firewall. I still see the dialog below. Attached are the logs. Not sure on how to proceed.
simlink.zip (1.4 KB)
I too am having this problem over the last two days. Today it wont even load the signin page. no tracking, no moving maps. Let me know what you need.
Edit: It decided to work a few minutes after i posted this. But has been a little off over the past few days.
I’ve been seeing the same. Did a 2 hr flight tonight from KPHX to KMCI and had a heck of a time with Simlink dropping my authentication repeatedly. I could get signed back in, but a few minutes later I’d get signed out. This was making watching my charts in the in-game panel pretty challenging.
Hi Team,
These reported outages are all from the US. I am wondering if there is a common ISP issue. Please advise your ISP and State.
Dirtbike - ISP: Spectrum, State: CA
The common pattern we’ve found is that everyone affected are on Comcast, or ISPs that rely on Comcast in some way. It is not an issue with Navigraph infrastructure per se. Please contact your ISP’s support to report issues with connectivity against Amazon AWS which is our cloud provider.
Im talking from Brazil and two days ago i had that same issues.
From that day i still cant connect the Simlink with MSFS20.
I have installed several times and the problem persist, even included the program as exception in Norton 360.
Using , please upload latest
From the log file, it looks like there must be some configuration issue with Simlink.
Please follow the below steps to fix the issue,
In case of wrong proxy settings applied to Simlink.
key. (It will open a window like,ii. Now type %appdata%
and press the “OK” button.
iii. After opening the APPDATA folder, go to the <APPDATA>/Navigraph/charts
folder. and open the .settings
file into the notepad application
session from the .settings
file and save it.From the above points if the Simlink is not able to log in then there must be a configuration file corrupted. To fix this you need to reset the Simlink configuration by the below points,
from the APPDATA
folder.Please let us know about the issue is fixed or not from the above points.
Ahir Vishal D.
Hi Ahir,
Neither of these fixes, or syncing the time worked. Any other ideas?
Hi aocbgoulart and John (Dirtbike),
Can you please advise if this issue is resolved.
Hi Ian,
The issue was resolved.
Nope, not working. Please wait for authentication…
hello, and tried to perform the troubleshooting as you describe it but the problem continues. still won’t log in
Nope, not working. Please wait for authentication…
I follow these steps,but I can’t sign-in
I have followed all recommendations for installing both Navigraph and SImLink and FMS Manager. I’m on XPlane 12 with latest versions of all apps. X1000 FPL does not recognize the presence of my flight plan link. Be advised that Windows solutions do NOT work. Thanks in advance, Anthony PS. I have SimBrief installed as well. In the meantime, Navigraph is doing a helluva good job at creating routes, and I’m learning how to program them manually, stupid YouTube videos as to how to do that, notwithstanding.
I’m getting a similar issue to this, but after three different browsers and resetting the configuration file, I still get an issue where I login and simlink instantly displays the “you have been signed out” message.
Same for me, yesterday simlink was working fine but know I can’t sign in.
" [2023-07-31 09:53:23] [] [INFORMATION] Configuration (Charts) file or folder is missing. Recreated!
[2023-07-31 09:53:26] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_refresh_tokens_CALL
[2023-07-31 09:53:26] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_start_hybrid_flow_CALL
[2023-07-31 09:53:26] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_open_browser_auth_CALL[https://identity.api.navigraph.com/connect/authorize?response_type=code+id_token&nonce=iBHWia6K4kq437ZM55K0rkkNbpokfsxi&state=XN4lFqg0lB0oHEUznxp3lYH1va7uBY1U&code_challenge=UhBnjMRB27ZF4242qctvajdFeYePXYGJkE5l0J8Wk04&code_challenge_method=S256&client_id=traffic-desktop&scope=openid+traffic+userinfo+offline_access+charts&redirect_uri=navigraph-traffic-desktop://oidc_sign_in_redirect&prompt=login]
[2023-07-31 09:53:46] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_refresh_tokens_CALL
[2023-07-31 09:53:46] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_start_hybrid_flow_CALL
[2023-07-31 09:53:46] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_open_browser_auth_CALL[https://identity.api.navigraph.com/connect/authorize?response_type=code+id_token&nonce=Q0KH39yhcuN1JpuUOGOf0nKPwYQOq7QA&state=HCnoGFeghTk8L2PO9YwA7csFWxNpkgE1&code_challenge=CeuR9Jk9V4vEvFeQuIN_IgJdVuNf_Dde3fPyW-rGjA8&code_challenge_method=S256&client_id=traffic-desktop&scope=openid+traffic+userinfo+offline_access+charts&redirect_uri=navigraph-traffic-desktop://oidc_sign_in_redirect&prompt=login]
[2023-07-31 09:53:56] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_refresh_tokens_CALL
[2023-07-31 09:53:56] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_start_hybrid_flow_CALL
[2023-07-31 09:53:56] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_open_browser_auth_CALL[https://identity.api.navigraph.com/connect/authorize?response_type=code+id_token&nonce=VSqY3NlQgk2DM0csyUuCakDfujCA7zAT&state=l1x4JEbqQZwfg1UY5MIhFvwMs9SIFxDn&code_challenge=h9Di3j9FcX3p4doAr8-IKNGPLVxc2NjP9nFmzfoHMoU&code_challenge_method=S256&client_id=traffic-desktop&scope=openid+traffic+userinfo+offline_access+charts&redirect_uri=navigraph-traffic-desktop://oidc_sign_in_redirect&prompt=login]
[2023-07-31 09:54:04] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_authorization_code_flow[navigraph-traffic-desktop://oidc_sign_in_redirect/#code=cf0ec42ecc9a4d73e324cc1aa85f7973&id_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjA0X3JsNjNvV2ZBSVc3WEd4UWUzQzVEY3dkTSIsImtpZCI6IjA0X3JsNjNvV2ZBSVc3WEd4UWUzQzVEY3dkTSJ9.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.cRBnojc-xD__D6v_JRKge2uVUhgA2lAxlt1-2zqbSaRuZT1vEqUTjrMjFeGsS4LWbBymrQiobyTpFkBlOnPkjIppesJG-P_Y3sNG4Vg34TYZ3PKyek7cFJ6mq_VZBiQNB49NDgeSdq2PgQn5KI1eSeuPJvlrvBBPLy4r7i2XnDq_SKNFXV8o6VNVsY3bPUUCKO8_7otx_JoJFOh84L-LVg3Tt8KoGcBmc9cIWW9uLUCOtVohFS_7GjMLjaWCWqmGkdAnLVyCfIvf_r2bHaP-M6Z5D0jvdd7IkbvKQqV9_BA4vOb0MAzhnhwscohLYFMFv87MEOLceJi4-eBiSWr8Hg&scope=openid%20traffic%20userinfo%20offline_access%20charts&state=l1x4JEbqQZwfg1UY5MIhFvwMs9SIFxDn&session_state=uLukhJjouK8nbSS1VrnMHn45aAVDkM9mmKugJyKirNI.7f0f6a642cb3e4b50fd75ecff3635623]
[2023-07-31 09:54:05] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_refresh_tokens_CALL[076cb6f78b58f5c981f2a27b3477f8c8]
[2023-07-31 09:54:09] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_run_LastTokenGenrationTime_check[1690797249][1690797244][5][2]
[2023-07-31 09:54:09] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_refresh_tokens_CALL[076cb6f78b58f5c981f2a27b3477f8c8]
[2023-07-31 09:54:09] [] [ERROR] OIDC_refresh_tokens ERROR:response json contains no ‘access_token’: {“error”:“invalid_grant”}
[2023-07-31 09:54:09] [] [ERROR] LoginController::login_oidcError[6][Your session has expired. Please sign in again.] "