FAQ - MSFS Missing SIDS/STARS in 3rd party sceneries

With Simupdate 9, ASOBO had added a new package called fs-base-genericairports in the content.xml. When you recognize missing SIDS/STARs on any 3rd party scenery (freeware/payware) do following please:

  1. close the sim
  2. delete the content.xml file, located depending on your sim-version - you find the correct folder for your version here
  3. start the sim
  4. after the startup is complete, close it again
  5. run the “Navigraph Navdata Center” and install the AIRAC cycle for the MSFS again (the “install” button should be activated)
  6. start the sim again and all terminal procedures should be back again

This is not a navdata issue, it´s an issue in the scenery-file (content.xml) which is mess after the SU9 update - this process solved this and bring your scenery-file back in the correct order.
