Hello. I need only Nav data, without Charts, but I can’t find The NavData Subscription. Where I can find this?
when you´re logged in on the webpage, goto on your name (top right corner), click on the arrow right of your name and select “Your Account”. After that you will see following webpage and you can select the Ultimate-plans or on the bottom the “navdata only” subscription.
Hope that helps,
Is the FMS Yearly option still available?
I can’t see it on the public pages like Navigraph
That seems intransparent at best.
My subscription period is about to end and I am weighing my options. I am a Linux user and obviously your non-support for the Charts-app and Simlink does not make me happy.
Yes it is still available. You also have the answer in the post above yours with a screenshot showing where you can get it.
Thank you. But I do not see it in my account like in the screenshot.
Everything just seems to point to “Ultimate”.
I see, sorry. You already have the Navdata sub, it is why you don’t see the link to buy it. It will renew when the period ends, just like before. The price is 25.90 Euro + EU VAT for renewals before Dec 8, and 29.79 Euro +
EU VAT after that. To compare with the prices of Unlimited you see in the screenshot.
Thank you.
How it is laid out makes it all unclear and had me wondering for some days before I posted here.
It would be easier if I could see the same “product” name here https://navigraph.com/account/subscription
as on the “Payment history” page
Here it is also called “Navdata”, but I’ve overseen that because I understood it like “general Navigraph” subscription:
I certainly do not miss links to “upgrade” my subscription It is everywhere on your site!
I wonder why it shows the price inclusive of VAT for you but not for me even though it is illegal in the UK not to show prices inclusive of VAT
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