In game panel update

Like @stephen said there has been progress on this issue. Here is a picture and a video from this afternoon of Navigraph Charts 8 running as In-Gamle Panel on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

To be compatible with the rendering technology used in FS2020 the In-Game Panel now uses rasterized chart tiles instead of vectorized. In the video you can see them load. The speed with which they load is going to be faster when the tiles are cached on our servers. You will also see that the FPS is stable despite panning and zooming in in the In-Game panel.

We are currently working on the virtual keyboard. Like Stephen said, with rasterized tiles we cannot support globe projection, track up on moving maps, or map filters, but most other functions from Charts 8 will be there - VFR charts, autopinning, METAR/TAF, runway winds… You will also be able to prepare a flight on any other Navigraph Charts 8 instance, and access the flight and its pinboard with pinned charts in the In-Game Panel. This latter use case is especially important to VR users we learned.

This is a team effort, and I am only reporting some of the progress. My colleagues will fill you in with more details closer to release which is expected in a few days.