Within the PMDG 737 P3Dv5 I’m currently get‘Terminal Charts Connection Error 01 [ARPTS List]’ problem

Hello, greetings from Germany,

After 2 years of absence, I renewed my Navigraph license.
But it do not work with the P3Dv4.5 PMDG B747-800 EFB.

I have read all of your posts and you have found a solution for the B737 EFB.
Can you also find a solution for the PMDG 747-800 EFB?


Marco Kalinke

Hmm, I was under the impression that PMDG used the same code for both of these products. I don’t see why it would work in the 737 but not the 747!

We’ll try to reach out to them and ask for help in investigating this!

Kind Regards,

Hello Malte,

thank you for your fast answer.
I don’t know if that helps, but this only affects the B747-800 extension model, the basic model B747-400 does not use an EFB.


Hello! Are you still having this issue?

If you are, would you mind clarifying which aircraft you are having issues with - the title says 737 but your post mentions the 747. Are you having issues with both?

Kind Regards,

Hello Malte,

sorry for the confusion, I copied the article because of the question.
I have the Problem with the PMDG Boeing 747-800. It’s an extansion of the B747-400 which doesn’t use an EFB. Only the 747-800 model.

Kind Regards

Thanks for clarifying! And you still have this issue?

Hello Malte,

yes, unfortunately the issue is still there. Navigraph is working fine, but the same “fault” massage on the EFB.

Kind Regards


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Sorry I made a fault. I send a message twice.

Thank you for the update! We have reached out to PMDG, but have not received a response yet.

Apologies for the inconvenience! Perhaps you could ask in the PMDG forum instead, to speed this up?
Our APIs are working as expected, as evident by the fact that it works in the NGXu 737 EFB.

Kind Regards,

I’m in contact with PMDG and they wrote: “There was a temporary outage that occurred at Navigraph but it should be fixed now. Please try it again and see if you can get it to work now.”
I wrote back that it didn’t work and I’m waiting for an answer.
Could it be that another program is causing problems? Or is it something to do with the installation?
I also checked the firewall but everything is ok.

Kind Regards

There was an outage. We fixed it before they reached out to us and asked. That issue has been fixed at least 2 days ago. Additionally, if it was an outage on our part - why would the EFBs in the 737 for both MSFS and P3D be working?

We have reached out to them again as a reminder, I’ll let you know if we get a response.

@ skysail

I forced a sign out of the PMDG 747-8 via my NG account and logged back in via the EFB without issue here.

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Thank you for your message scrooke. Could you please explain me how to do it.
With NG you mean Navigraph?

Kind Regards

I logged into my Navigraph account via web browser and signed out of the PMDG 747-8 listed under devices.

Load the 747-8 select terminal charts on the EFB and re-enter your user data as prompted.

Interesting! Thank you very much for this input. @navajo65 , could you try this solution?

Just go to navigraph.com/account/devices, find anything PMDG related and press “Sign Out”.

On my Navigraph account is no PMDG B747-800 listed on the device page!?

Make sure that you are signed in with the correct account!

I think it’s ok!?

What do you see in the device list?

These are the only entries.