Subscription Issue

I am forced to share the contents of my email to as there has been no action from the other side besides informing me that information has been received, reconfirmation of my email address, notifying that the matter is being looked into, etc.

"On the 18th April 2022, I was charged by Navigraph an amount of Euro 74.90. I assume that it is an amount for yearly subscription. I have a monthly and I have not requested this change in subscription. It has caused me great tension and unrest.

If it is a fault in the system then please revert my subscription back to monthly subscription and refund the remaining amount immediately. Moreover, my bank has also charged me for this transaction therfore that amount should also be refunded.

If this action was deliberately exercised, that being without my consent, then please cancel my subscription immediately from this date and refund all the amount I have been charged with, including the amount my bank has charged for this transaction.

Please comply.

Thanks and regards"

I would appreciate if someone out there can help. Thanks.



The delay in responding is likely because of Easter break.

Rest assured we don’t override your choice of monthly vs annual.

The account services team are investigating and will resolve this directly with you.
