Hi i’m having trouble all of a sudden with my subscription. Simlink is not working, it says unable to reach Navigraph server. I tried reinstalling with the latest from the Navigraph downloads area, didn’t resolve problem. I’ve also noticed that the charts client is really slow to authenticate on various platforms: mac / windows 11 etc. Below is a snippet from a recent log.
[2022-11-03 00:00:13] [] [ERROR] REST ERROR(post):
ERROR:Unable to connect to the server: Connection timed out
[2022-11-03 00:00:13] [] [ERROR] BroadcastController::RESTError[0]
[2022-11-03 00:00:23] [] [DEBUG] (MSFS) Simlink Plugin Simulator Status:0
[2022-11-03 00:00:23] [] [DEBUG] MSFS2020 Sim Data recived: ObjectID=1 title=“PMDG 737-700 Air Canada (C-GEBA | 2022 | Fictional)”
Lat=40.773 Lon=-73.8655 Alt=258.962 Heading=132.533 Heading_mag=145.287 Pitch=1.16291 Bank=0.35525
[2022-11-03 00:00:24] [] [DEBUG] (MSFS) Simlink Plugin Simulator Status:0