Simlink "Unable to Reach Navigraph Server"

About two days ago Simlink stopped connecting to the Navigraph server and Moving Maps does not function. Every time I open Simlink, after a minute or so I get the message: “Unable to reach Navigraph server. Retrying…”. I have tried several recomendations posted on the Navigraph Forum to no avail.

No proxy servers.
turned off firewall.
Deleted the Navigraph folder and restarted Simlink.
Uninstalled Simlink and reinstalled it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It’s a miracle!

I have no idea what I did, if anything, but Simlink connected to the server.



Thank you for the update. Glad it is resolved.

Happy flying.


I have the same problem, coincidently just after a Navigraph charts update. What was the solution as I have done the same troubleshooting you have.