I would like to have a User Guide for the new Navigraph Charts. There are several things I was using in the previous version that I cannot find in the new version. One of them is the possibility of centering the display on you moving aircraft. Another one is the ability to clear the bottom line on not used chart selected (after departure I do not need to see anymore the Airport or SID charts of my departure airport).
It is not so much a case of a question that needs an answer, and I find a manual useful when ‘seeing’ what a product offers, it is hard to know what to ask when I do not know what the product can totally do. A manual with Little Navmap was a great help in seeing what it offered, and something like this would be great for Navigraph. Otherwise, it’s a great product and one I am happy to subscribe to. I just think I am missing something sometimes
I totally agree with the previous remark.
Navigraph charts is a great product but its use is complex and requires an up-to-date user manual (the previous one is totally obsolete).
Going through questions and answers does not seem acceptable to me for a software of this technical level and this price.
Thank you for providing us with this manual as soon as possible.
Kind regards