I love it too. This is awesome however a users manual would be helpful. I’ve found out alot just playing around and I have it remote connected so I can watch the flight path on one computer while flying on another.
We have a planned program for tooltips and helpfile/manual.
Awesome, I am anxiously awaiting
In the meantime, how do you reset a flight on the remote computer?
As I understand, you have your aircraft flying on your 1st PC with Simlink installed, and are monitoring it using Charts moving map on your 2nd PC .
What are you trying to reset and where -1st or 2nd PC? What Flightsim are you running on your 1st PC?
I am trying to reset the flight plan but its.like the first flight plan was loaded and I couldn’t clear it. Instead I just created a new route with the old route and it shows up however so does the old route so when you go to navigate from the first computer it tries to fly the first route instead of the new rou te
I am running MSFS 2020
In order to assist, please provide the details needed to replicate the issue.
For example, what aircraft? What is the flight plan in detail? How did you create it? How are you trying to “clear it”?
What is the new flight plan in detail? How are you entering it - via FMC/MCDU or other?
Are you trying to export a flight plan and input to an FMC/MCDU? How? Are you per meaning SimBrief Charts Desktop or SimBrief?
We need details to replicate and assist