As you can see I have no running instances of the FMS data manager, but every time I will open it, even after i shut it off and close the tray icon, it will add another instance in the task manager.

The first symptom is the drastic slowdown of the windows explorer process.

Here I’ve opened and closed it 4 times, noticeable performance impact on windows explorer.

Please fix.

Issue reproduced on another PC.

Same problem here, and it downloads very slow. After half an hour of trying to download the Little Navmap data it is only at 18%. Took 27 minutes to download the Pilot2ATC data, which is 30MB. Please fix.

Hi Team,

Please try a reset doing exactly as in FMS Data Manager login problem - #5 by Ian


Thanks for the reply but I already installed everything manually and all other apps (Charts, Hub and Simlink) are working as they should, so I’m not going to mess with it right now. Will wait to see what happens when I have to update again.

no effect, application does not close properly and begins leaking memory. please fix.

same problem here…14% cpu usage for the process.
It was fine before

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Gents, thank you - we will check it. In the meantime, please stop the FMS Data Manager manually via Task-Manager when you have installed all AIRAC files.

Again, we will look on it asap.

Thanks for your reports


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