Hello, yesterday I bought a Navigraph subscription and setup the AIRAC 2501 using the FMS data manager. At first I did a flight from Canberra to Sydney and everything was smooth. Today I plan to do a route from Perth to Sydney and realize that when I put in ILS 16L and RIVET4 STAR it’s now saying its a teardrop which was the case before I updated to AIRAC 2501. I decide to remove everything in custom data and then manually install the AIRAC 2501 and still nothing. I originally tried on the zibo, then levelup and then toliss a320, all aircraft were up to date. There was no message on any of the tested aircraft on the FMC relating to: Nav data out of date. I am only new to this and I have not much knowledge of what is going on.
So today I found out that if I manually type in the STAR waypoints that it actually exists. But when I go through DEP/ARR - YSSY - MARLN5 (STAR I was testing) it does MARLN - BIKUS - WHALE - PRAWN - TESAT - SOSIJ (then does a teardrop) - ATRET
Hi Ali,
I’m unsure if I understand your report correctly, so I’m trying to understand the situation.
When I look at your example STAR MARLN5 arrival into YSSY, the STAR ends at TESAT, and from there, you should expect vectors to final. TESAT is a waypoint directly at the airport, so a teardrop is standard because you must return to SOSIJ. However, there is no direct connection between TESAT and SOSIJ because the ATC usually vectors this part.