Cyyz toronto STAR

Good day, I think there is a discrepancy in the airac data and the RAGID5 arrival for cyyz. The chart (for 15L) shows RAGID, VIDRO, TOVOP, MIRUG, MITUX, OMTIP, KASIT, MEVPO but the airac data shows RAGID, LERAT, SEMTI, KEVNO, ERBUS. When trying to enter the chart data into the FMS, the chart waypoints do not show up, but it doesn’t tell me it’s not in database.

which sim and which addon do you use. Without such rudimentary information, we can’t say anything. Thank you!


Hi, sorry I forgot that :slight_smile: Using FS2020, Airbus A320NEO.

No problem, but such information makes our life much more easier :slight_smile: thanks for that.
Bad news sorry, but that is a sim limitation - see here in our “Known issues” category. I have tried to explain exactly this issue:

This is a confirmed issue by ASOBO. We had reported this issue for months in their 3rd Party Developer forum. What I can recommend is, to try the WorkingTitle CJ4 mod - this mod is NOT using the internal flightmanagement and with this mod you see the real-data 1:1 without truncates, or strange flightpaths …
Worth to try - really, the different is amazing …

Sorry for the not so good new in this case, but here we can´t do anything more - that´s a logic issue in the core-sim.


Thanks for the info Richard! I knew had to be some sort of flightsim bug. I will definitely give the CJ4 a try ! Thanks again :slight_smile:

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