Why can't I find EDDS, LTFM or ZBAD?

In the Navigraph FAQ: ‘If you are wondering if the Beta Update is installed’, there are 4 possible checks. Nrs. 1, 2 an 4 are o.k. with me, but I cannot find EDDS, LTFM or ZBAD on the Worldmap in the sim. After various remove/installs of Cycle 2102, rev. 3 and deleting the content.xml I still cannot find these airports.

Any suggestions?


Hi Jan,
your scenery file is a mess and therefore the wrong priorities. We have made step-by-step instructions, how you can “fix” your issue.

Please follow the steps exactly and all should be working as normal. You don´t this on every update - normally, it´s only a one-time task.

Here are the steps - let us know, if it´s ok after that or if you still have troubles:

Ah stop, you have installed the Navigraph-Installer beta 23 and the current AIRAC 2102 - because this is required :slight_smile:


Hi Richard,

I removed and reinstalled cycle 2102, rev.3 again. And also removed my content.xml (as I did already a few times in the past), but still no success.
I’m not so keen on EDDS, LTFM or ZBAD but I’m not sure that the AIRAC cycle installed properly. Therefore if you have any more suggestions I would be happy.

can you confirm, that you had made exact the steps in the FAQ from the above posting?

Additional,can you confirm that you are using the latest Navigraph Installer beta 23?

Can you upload your content file here please?

Thank you

Hi Richard,

I followed the steps in your FAQ exactly, i.e. removed cycle 2102 from installer, then deleted the content.xml, opened and closed sim, installed airac cycle again and opened sim.

Please find below a screen shot of the installer and a copy of my content file.

Content.xml (4.5 KB)

Hi Jan,
thanks for your effort and the update.
The content file looks absolutely correct …

You wrote, you can’t find ie EDDS … I guess in the worldmap and/or in any FMC?

When you are in the sim, goto PROFILE → CONTENT MANAGER … and look for Navigraph. Do you see the installed package AIRAC 2102 rev 3?



Below is a printscreen of my ContentManager; nothing wrong as far as a I can see.

I loaded a flight through Simbrief and the Navigraph chart app from EDDS to LTFM into the simulator. On the next printscreen of the Worldmap you can clearly see that the sim does not identy those two airports. The flight starts and ends somewhere in the sky.

Then I tried to load the flight into the FMC of the WorkingTitle CJ4. But the FMC does not recognize either of them. It says ‘not in database’.

Hope this can help you any further.
Regards, Jan

Hi Jan,
thanks again … yep, indeed and this looks really very strange …

One more question:
You have currently the Marketstore sim installed?

Have/had you ever installed any other MSFS version on your system? ie. the Alpha version, a Steam-Version, a Gamepass version?

Additional, I have uploaded a new “content.xml” file for you:
Please close the sim and can you replace your current content.xml file with this xml … after that, check it again. You don´t need to load a flightplan - it´s enough to look for EDDS, ZBAD or LTFM in the dep/arr lines :slight_smile:

Make a copy of your content.xml file before please - this “new” file disable all your installed addons … only for testing, if some addon overwrite all the information.

Content.xml (4.5 KB)


Hello Richard,

Yes, I bought the sim through the MS marketplace. No Steam, Gamepass or CD-version.

I replaced my content with the content.xml that you send me, but the result is the same: i.e. no EDDS, LTFM or ZBAD.


Ok Jan - very, very, very strange … no idea …

Can you look into the “navigraph-navdata” folder - it´s a folder in your community-folder.

Here you have a “scenery” folder in which you see a “fs-base” folder.

In this folder you have several subfolders with 4 digits. Please can you upload three files:

Folder 0601 - File APX50140.bgl
Folder 0602 - File APX55170.bgl
Folder 0902 - File APX79170.bgl

… and you have tested this in the WorldMap, when you enter EDDS manually into the - FROM field … not loading from flightplan. So, you can confirm, that you can´t select any of these airports in the WorldMap in the FROM or TO fields.

Thank you,


Herewith the 3 .bgls as requested.
APX50140.bgl (3.1 KB)
APX55170.bgl (1.4 KB)
APX79170.bgl (1.3 KB)

Yes, I have tried so many times already to load any of the three airports directly into the FROM or TO fields. But with no success.


Thanks Jan, the files are correct and contain EDDS, LTFM and ZBAD …
… you don´t use any Addon-Linker or similar else, right?


Hi Richard,

Yes I use MSFS AddonsLinker and FSUIPC7 and LINDA. I just tried the sim after the removal of AddonsLinker, but the result is still the same; no EDDS, LTFM or ZBAD.


Hi Jan,
please remove this “AddonLinker” - that´s not official supported by MS/ASOBO and it´s very hard for us also in the support because the files are not there where they should. As I wrote, we have checked all now and all seems ok so far. Never seen this before - not here, nor in the official Flightsim forum but it looks like, that the files will not be loaded correctly from the sim.

Please, don´t use such Linker please - as I wrote, unsupported and as we see now, we don´t know what happened exactly in the background. Sorry.


Ok Richard,

You’re very clear. But also after the deletion of AddonsLinker there is still no improvement, no EDDS, ZBAD etc. And many 3rd party add-ons have not been approved by Asobo or MS and still work fine. So I can hardly believe that MSFS AddonsLinker, which is used by many people, is the failure.

Anyway, thanks for your time and suggestions. Maybe with one of the future Navigraph updates I will be more successful. If there is a change I will let you know.

Kind regards,