Navdata - missing airports EDDS and LTFM


I have just updated the MSFS 2020 Navdata with airac 2105, launched the Sim and noticed that airports such as LTFM (Istanbul) and EDDS (Stuttgart) are missing again, although ZBAD is present.
Any ideas about this issue would be appreciated.
Thank you,

Hi Miguel,
has you tried these steps?

When not, please try it … it´s a pain with this scenery ordering but we can´t do anything for that. This is per ASOBO design.

Also, I hope you don´t use any AddonLinker or similar else because such programs are not supported (from us and from of course also from ASOBO) and can make a lot of troubles in the sim.

Let me know, when it´s solved or not :wink:

Hi Richard,

I’ve executed the steps mentioned on your post - removed AIRAC 2105, deleted the content.xml file, started MSFS, closed MSFS, installed AIRAC 2105 again (using beta-version 23), but EDDS and LTFM are still missing (ZBAD is present, though).
Apart from 3 liveries of the 787-10 and a scenery of the city of Lisbon, I have no other add-ons installed.
By the way I noticed that ASOBO/Microsoft is also updating regularly Navdata, started maybe 2 months ago, is it possible that there is a conflict of versions?

Best regards,

3 posts were split to a new topic: EDDF STAR ROLIS2G is missing

Hi Miguel,
please can you upload your content.xml file here that I can take a look on it. Thank you!

Hi Richard,

Here it is, the content.xml file
Content.xml (5.0 KB)

Best regards,


just for information - same problem for me.
I have also executed all the steps in exact the same way.
Result: I also miss EDDS, LTFM. ZBAD is available.

Best regards

Hi Miguel,
hi Peter,
thank you very much for your info and the details - I guess, I have found the reason for that - I´m honest, it looks that this was an mistake on my side. Big sorry for that - I´m currently working on a second revision and will inform you here, when I have uploaded it.

The cycle itself is good and error-free (at least what I see at the moment). There are only a handful “airports” which can´t be selected. Again, I´m just working on the fix …

Sorry for that and thanks for the hint …


Gents, revision 2 is online now … please open the Navigraph Installer beta 23, remove your current installed cycle (revision 1) and install the cycle again - after that you should have revision 2, which includes the missing airports again.

That´s what you should see directly in the sim under Profile → Content Manager:

(the “not installed” message is wrong and a bug in the sim … it´s installed, when you see it :wink:)

Sorry, was my fault - I have set a wrong flag in our parser. Anyways, thanks for your patience and the hints!

Happy flying,

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Hi Richard,

It’s all OK now.
Thanks for your quick resolution of this issue. Keep the good work!

Best regards,

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Hi Richard,

Thank you very much for the fast response and Solution.
Navigraph is ongoing very helpful and I appreciate your professional work every Flight.

All the best,

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Peter (@quicky17) , and also Miguel (@macc1966) - thank you very, very much for your kind words. We are working in a team and we know, that we have only success when we work as a team. We are not perfect, but we try to be, from day to day …

Again, thank you very much for this answers - we are here, when you need us :wink:
Have a nice weekend, from wherever you are …

Cheers from Vienna,

I almost had a heart attack when my Navdata failed to show me the SIDs for LTFM :slight_smile:

Thanks for solving the issue Richard.

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I hope you feel better now Hayri :slight_smile: … sorry for the shocking moment, wasn´t my intention - we love our customer :joy:

No honestly, was a mistake on my side during the tests with the closing airport flags … all is good now, have a nice weekend!


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