Waypoints missing from RNAV arrival procedures (i.e. EDDK DEPOK1S)

Hi Chris,
the procedure is correct coded - here are no missing waypoints on the RNAV transition DEPO1S:

Routing according the charts are:
DEPOK - DK495 - DK491 - DK451 - LEGDU - RW14L

I have also cross-checked the AIP Germany, the same routing, the same waypoints:

… and the charts in the AIP looks equal to the Jeppesen charts:

Possible the waypoints between DK495 and DK491 are no so necessary for the routing because there are no speed or altitude restrictions and are all on the line between these two waypoints, I don´t know - it´s only a assumption.

But anyway, the AIP Germany and also Jeppesen shows exactly the same routing and exactly the same charts - so the coding is absolutely correct, no missing waypoints in the procedure.
