Misssing waypoints and airport

Good day,
here are along time missing waypoints in especially trasintions on STAR approaches, for example EDDN Dodas28 transition or in EDDM airport as well. Is it an X-plane problem, because the waypoint can be put in FMC manualy but , they are missing, when loading transition. Appears only those waypoints which contains any type of constraints.? Tested on Zibo 737 and toliss A321/319. X plane 11. Thank you for clarification.

Best regards

Samuel Cerveny

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Hi Samuel,
which waypoints are missing? I have checked the DOS28 transition …

The yellow waypoints are the important one which you need to code the whole transition. The waypoints between are included but must not be coded because there is no course/heading changes or any constraints. But as you have discovered, the “missing” waypoints must be available for “shortcuts”, that you can fly a “direct” if ATC gives you the instruction to this “shortcut”.

But again, it´s not necessary to code all waypoints for such paths.


Hello Richard,
So if ATC on VATSIM gives us a shortcut for an example to DN457 how are we supposed to fly to it?
We would appreciate if this would be an option…
I completely understand your response that they don’t have a course change but it is still a hassle to type them in manually into the FMC when they should be there.
Thank you,

Thank you for your answere,
but it doesn t make sense to me. Reason is simple as a long real airline pilot in real aircraft you have all points and in real life also in busy days in VATSIM things go very quickly while you are in approach and typing point maualy into legs page took longer time rather then just put into top of FMS. But if it is simulaor or navigraph solution I m not happy with it but only I can accepted that this is your decision.

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I check MSFS2020 whitout your Navigraph database and averything was correct …I m dissapointed to pay money for noting ???

Hi Samuel,
I´m not sure which data source you have used in your long real airline pilot area but possible you have used any tailored databases. Most of the airlines which uses Jeppesen as source uses the standard recordset (excl. special approaches, special airports, …). Jeppesen codes this (according the ARINC424 standard rules) as a “direct to”, if it´s a constant path (heading) without any constraints like speed/altitude or if a special waypoint type (FACF, FAP, …). That is absolute standard and has nothing todo with “our decision”.

I´m not sure what you mean by “quickly” because to enter max 5 characters and to press on the LSK1 button is not very time consuming, expect you have troubles with the alphabet but than you have also troubles to find the correct waypoint on the leg page too.

You know as real airline pilot, that a “direct to” (not always on a transition) is a standard procedure during takeoff and landing. To switch the runway (ILS) takes much longer and that is also standard ie. at EDDF. So in this case, you also must enter the navaid/waypoint manually … but in real, there are two pilots, on VATSIM you´re right, you must all handle this alone. But a tip, when you get the transition from the ATC - insert the waypoints between in case you need it and you mean it´s faster/better for you.


As I have tried to explain, according the ARINC424 rules it is also correct to code the “corner” waypoints, when the flightpath is constant and you have no constraints on this path. NavBlue coded all waypoints, Jeppesen only the “corner” waypoints - both are correct.

Ah sorry to hear that - why do you not use the charts because you have an ultimate subscription, which includes it …


Hi Martin,
this is very simple:
On the legs-page, you enter DN457 and press the LSK1 button (first button on the left side). After that the a/c makes the turn immediately to this waypoint (or navaid, depending on the area and the direct). But be aware (specially in MSFS) test this before because not all standard addons support this …

Here from the FBW A320 - there is a special button “DIR”:

Hope that helps

Ok, I completely understand that you can put in the waypoint manually as a DCT TO; but are you saying that in real life those waypoints are also not there and pilots must type them in manually, because there is a lot of workload IRL and especially flying single-pilot on vatsim, and I don’t see why they wouldn’t be there if they are on the chart… so why those waypoints can’t be coded in?

My understanding from past discussions on the issue over the years is that the non-critical waypoints are not listed so as to reduce ND clutter.

You can however turn on the waypoints view on many ND’s, this enables you to fly using a heading mode very quickly and from there enter in the fmc/mcdu as required.

Thanks for your answere and clarification hovever it was not polite to me. I m retired from real world operations since 2014 and things may change. So if it is my mistake I m apoogizing to you. Maybe I had to ask my former colleagues still flying, If there are any change in FMC software coding and database in real AC, since the year i m not flying. If I m wrong again my apologize.

Have a nice day

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No reason for any apologize, Samuel - all is good (at least on my side :slight_smile:). I know that there are differences between each data provider, not only in the quality also in the coding of procedures. I´m not a pilot therefore I can´t really reproduce what happened in real-life but we are lucky that we can ask a great support team at Jeppesen, if we need their support. Therefore, please don´t understand my answer as to “harsh” - we try our best to give you the best solution, the best answer.

Sometimes, the answer fits perfect sometimes not and we don´t have any better solution. That´s also our life :beers:

Cheers from Vienna,

All is about cooperation and good relationship and solving problems to fit the best for both sides. I hope we keep in touch to solve or clarify the problems in the future.

All the best to you as well.

Best regards

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It can be coded and as @SamuelCV wrote, it looks NavBlue has coded all waypoints but it´s not necessary and I assume (I don´t know it exactly) this has something todo with the FMC memory in the past.

On the charts, it is necessary to show all waypoints that also you can request a “direct to” if necessary to cut the whole transition to be faster on the ground for some reason (to reach a connecting flight, to be at the gate on time due business, …).


I’m having a similar experience with MSFS. I’m using simlink, Navigraph moving map and SImbrief with my CRJ. At least 40% of my flights have “a waypoint not found error”. Everything is up to date with the airac cycle. I have to reset my password with Jeppison but this would be the last thing I’ve thought to try. I note that this began with the last sim update when Microsoft changed the airac cycle. Thanks for any help!

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