Verification code not sent to email

Hi, I’m currently trying to login to navigraph on the website in order to link my efb to navigraph. However, when it asks for a code sent to my email, I can’t see it in my inbox or spam folder. I was wondering if i could get some help with this.

If it’s anything like the G3000/G5000 integration, the code is displayed somewhere (in the EFB), not sent via email?



Please see Unable to login to navigraph account - #2 by Ian


hey Ian,

i am having trouble with getting a code to put it on the A350, i have tried 3 times already everytime restarting pc etc etc, no email shows up!


Please open the link in the post right above yours. You are not supposed to get an email, you are supposed to enter the code shown to you in the aircraft!

Kind Regards,

problem is, im already signed in there! i mean litteraly inside the A350 systems it tells me to go to navigraph/code something like that and i dont have an option to sign in the app inside msfs since i am already signed in there

I assume you are seeing something like this:

What you need to do is:

  1. Open a web browser on any device
  2. Navigate to Navigraph
  3. Enter the code that is shown in your EFB (the string of letters and numbers, highlighted with a red arrow)
  4. Press “Approve”

disregard, i thought the verification code was a code sent to the email lmao, its fixed, very sorry

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