No Navigraph verification email

Hello. I have been trying to log into my Navigraph Unlimited account all morning and it wants to verify me, but no matter how many times it tells me to enter the verification code emailed to me, I receive no email.

This is incredibly annoying and has to be a 1st for me for a premium service.

Hello! Welcome to the forum and my sincere apologies for not getting to this sooner. Your post went completely under the radar as none of us in the support staff noticed it.

Do you still have this issue? It looks like what you are looking for is not a code that is emailed to you, but rather one that is shown in the addon or app that you are signing into. The developer behind it may
choose whether to pre-fill this code for you or show it to you in some sort of interface.

Without knowing what addon or app you are interacting with, it’s hard to say anything else, unfortunately. But it is also likely that you already figured this one out on your own given our late response :sweat_smile:

Do you still have this issue?

Kind Regards,