Transfer flight plan and pinned charts

the flight plans and the charts that I pin in navigraph 8 are no longer automatically sent to the game panel, you have to redo everything. With the old version everything was transferred by itself. So it’s a hassle, I preferred to go back to the old version, is it possible?

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If you use SimBrief, it will upload in the in-game panel still.

ok for the flight plan with simbrief but i choose my approach and pin the charts on navigraph 8 and it’s not transmitted in the game panel like in the old version.

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I use simbrief every time I sim and it never pins the charts.

Is there a solution ? I choose the chart in the pc app and there are not automaticaly transfer in the in game panel (I use the latest version of navigraph)

Since the last update, it’s ok, everything works. And now i no longer use the game panel, i use a second screen, it’s more pratical.

For me it does not, but I use in game panel and I have the lastest version of the ingame panel.
It is like they were no link between the pc app and the in game panel…


All Charts 8 apps share the same flight plan system. Are you sure you are using the same account in both apps? Check in Settings in both apps.



Did you update the game-panel in the Navdata center ?

I have the same account.
The probleme is that in the ingame panel I have to load the flight from simbrief otherwise there is only the old flight. It was not like this with the previous version.
My in game panel has been updated via the navadatacenter
I also notice that the APP chart you pin in the pc App will not be memorize in the in App chart,this is maybe normal but if I prepare all my chart befopr going in the Vr cockpit I will have to do it again (at least for the APP charts)

I make my flightplans in Simbrief and generate/export them.
Until a few days ago, when i open the InGamePanel i would be asked if i want to import the new flightplan. I clicked “yes” and the flightplan was imported and the needed charts where sticked. → TOP!

Now, i dont get the question to import and i first have to unload the old plan and have to import the new one from simbrief manually.

InGamePanel is the newest 8.3 , updatet with Navigraph Navdata Center…

And the small scripture sucks in VR. (Scale 2,6 - “use large-scale map” enabled)

It might just be that you have already loaded your in-game panel when you created your flight in the PC app. I suggest you load the in-game panel after you have created your flight. There is no real tine sync between the apps, but we’ll consider that.



Thank you for your answer. But this is not the problem. Did a test: First i generate the flightplan in simbrief, then i started the Sim - a flight - and started the InGame Panel. But it brings the last flight wich i have imported manually. I’m at a loss…

Hello, you will have to import your flight by going to the flight tab and “import from SimBrief.” As Stephen said, there is no real time sync, so you may have to do this for your different applications.

Please read again wat i posted before. It worked until few days ago!!!

Do you mind posting a Screen shot of that?

A screenshot of a function that don’t longer exists? Ähhhh… No…

But i had the import option (at the moment i start the ingamepanel after a new flightplan was generated) over weeks since the ingamepanel 8 was avaible.


The import function still exists. This is how it looks:

It pops up when you open the panel. This is for loading a flight plan from the simulator, not from SimBrief.

To load from SimBrief, go to Import Flight (after unloading any already loaded flight), and then From SimBrief:

