Simbrief import function

Is there an option to import your Simbrief flight plan into the In-game panel? I know where it is in the regular Chart8 app but I can’t find it in the in-game version.


Make sure you have the latest In-Game Panel. Maybe Remove and Install in Navigraph Navdata Center to be sure.


Thanks Ian, I will try that although I think that I already did it. I don’t get the same screen as you show above when I click on the flights icon on the left. Maybe I will take a screen shot of my screen if I can figure out how to do that.

Edit: I am actually getting the same screen as in the last post of the thread below called “In-game panel Question”.
Removed and reinstalled the in-game panel. Same result. Here is my screenshot.

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Hi John,

You have a flight loaded. Click on the Unload flight before you try to Import Flight.


Ah! Got it. Thanks. So simple.


Hi John,

You are welcome. Easy to miss.

Happy flying.


Thanks. Yes it’s easy to miss. “Unload” is a strange choice of words. Not intuitively obvious what is meant. A better choice might be “New flight”.

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