Strange 30LOC navaid problem


I realise there are lots of 30LOC waypoints in the data in various locations around the world, but one in particular seems to have a problem.

The one just 3nm west of EGGW (Luton UK) is present in your data in LittleNavMap, but is not available when I try to select it in a flightplan in the FBW A320. All the others show up fine, but not this one.

I have the same current Navigraph data release on LNM as I do on FS2020.

Any ideas? It’s been like this for a while now.


good question but I can´t really answer this but I have looked if the waypoint is included in our data and therefore in the MSFS … and yes, it is. As you see the waypoint is there and can be selected:

So, I only can re-route to FBW, why this waypoint can´t be selected. This waypoint is in the terminal-waypoint list and included in the terminal procedures for the LOC 07 approach. So, it should be a valid waypoint and as you see in the screenshot, the waypoint is there.
