I have changed my internet connection and my IP address has changed. Does this effect Sinlink connection? I guess it does.
It is saying that it cannot connect to the sim on my PC event though I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Software and pointed it at my X- Plane main folder.
Dear Ian,
Many thanks for your response.
I have followed your instructions precisely and it it Simlink does not work. Navigraph is working fine.
Simlink has been downloaded successfully and the Simlink settings page is telling me that it has been successfully installed on my PC after running the exe. file.
Any thoughts?
Thank you
I note that on the Plugin Settings Simlink is showing the correct path for X Plane. However on the Plug In Status it is showing X Plane path as being on the Desktop. I operate X Plane through Steam platform.
Also I have deleted the FSX programme from my computer as I no longer use that but it is still showing on the Plug In status.