SID/STAR coded with the same name as first waypoint conflicts


When departing from an airport which has named SIDs/STARs, and usually outside controlled airspace, such as EGVN/EGKB:


The automatic SID/STAR recognition conflicts with the further routing from the first waypoint, e.g. CONKO on L18 (SRD routing), which displays a discontinuity and removes the airway below.

On SimBrief, you’re able to plan “CONKO CONKO L18 UNZIB” which recognises the dual SID (CONKO) input as a SID then first waypoint, but the charts display does.

The issue can be replicated similarly at EGKB:

And then, when the DVR2 departure is selected - which should potentially only be coded to DET and not DVR - L6 shows up as DCT DVR DCT DET DCT DVR, whereas this should use DCT DET L6 DVR.

The same issue is not observed in reverse:

Hello! Thanks for reporting this.

I can reproduce the issue, and it is a bit tricky to solve I believe. We will investigate!

Kind Regards,

Hello again!

This issue should now be fixed! Thank you for the feedback.

Kind Regards,

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