June 22, 2024, 2:33pm
Las cycle 2406 rev.2 installed.
MSFS 2020 updated with latest navdata cycle (at 2024-06-21)
No scenery for 3rd party SCEL.
Using FBY320Neo or 787 (default)
Content.xml just show navigraph as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="1"/>
<Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="2"/>
With navigraph installed, no SID appears for rw 17R at SCL (image1)
I removed cycle 2024 rev.2, all the SID are sיown (image2)
For pmdg737 the issue is not reproducible and the SID appears as expected
Note that the images are number2 without navigraph first, number 1 with navigraph and the issue, last
wwhen you look on the charts, this runway doesn’t exist at the moment due construction work.
More details also here:
Hi! Starting AIRAC 2404 Santiago International (SCEL) is missing both SID and STAR for Runways 17L and 17R (35L 35R are ok).
I’m using LatinVFR scenery for the airport and check with Horizon 787 and FBW A320 and all cases is the same.
My guess maybe has something to do with the schedule shorten of RWY 17R/35L (18/36 during that preiod), but still this should nor affect the other rwy.
or here:
Hi! Starting AIRAC 2404 Santiago International (SCEL) is missing both SID and STAR for Runways 17L and 17R (35L 35R are ok).
I’m using LatinVFR scenery for the airport and check with Horizon 787 and FBW A320 and all cases is the same.
My guess maybe has something to do with the schedule shorten of RWY 17R/35L (18/36 during that preiod), but still this should nor affect the other rwy.
So, in other words the scenery doesn’t match with the real world data. Sorry.
June 24, 2024, 7:30pm
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