Not able to load simbrief data to mcdu ( a320 neo) + flybywire allready installed+ all navigraph addons

Dear navigraph team, I want your help. Even though I have installed all the navigraph addons, I am still not able to load the simbrief data directly to the mcdu, there isnt any simbrief option. Another thing is, whenever i create a simbrief flight plan, I am not able to see the generated cruising altitute.

Best regards,


Hi Aris,


Please see my post at How to import a Navigraph flight plan into the MCDU of a A32NX FBW? - #10 by Ian


Dear Ian,

thanks for your quick reply. The shared link makes absolutely sense. But the problem here is that I am not even able to load the flypad into the panel, even though I have installed the flybywire mod. Could you pleas tell me another way or help me out with my problem ?


Hi Aris,

Not at FS machine to confirm, but you may need dev version of FBW.


What do you mean by not at FS Machine? Where can I download fbw dev version ? Do you have a link? You mean that I shall use a fbw a320 airplane in developer version ?


Hi Aris,

Sorry to confuse. The latest release FBW Version 7.3 does provide Simbrief flight plan load capability. If you cant run Flypad to enter your Simbrief Pilot ID number, you might try reinstalling FBW.

You can also enter your Simbrief Pilot ID number into


Ok Ian, thanks for that. I have worked out the issue and now its working fine for me.

Regarding simbrief. When I want to create a flight I cant see in the airframe drop down menu the option to select the fbw a320. Why is this so ?

Hi Aris,

You are welcome. Glad it is resolved.

You can find the latest FBW Simbrief airframe at SImbrief Airframe

Happy flying


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