No sign in to navigraph hub

Hi, can’t open the navigraph hub. When I try to log in, I am always redirected to the browser. Have tested 3 different browsers. And tried to log in via mobile phone. Logged in, logged out. I don’t know what to do. Another way to get to the Airac would be an advantage. Ask for a quick and helpful response.

Hi Charlie,

The Login process does open a browser window in which you enter email and password to login. What happens when you do this. Please provide screenshots of any error messages using Guide to posting Screenshots


Hello, I don’t have any error messages. I open the Navigraph hub, press sign in the browser opens, enter my login data there. The login will be confirmed.Press Appprove. The Navigraph window pops up . And that’s it. The sign in will appear again. And the whole thing all over again.

MFG A.Herkner

Gesendet von Mail für Windows

Hi Charlie,

I have activated some extended logging on our side, can you please try again?

Kind regards,


No not works !

Gesendet von Mail für Windows

Hello are you still there ? My hub still doesn't work. If the problem cannot be solved, please report again. Otherwise
I will end my subscription.


Gesendet von Mail für Windows

Hi again Charlie2021,

Sorry for the delay, this needs some investigation and not all of us are working on the weekend :slight_smile:

Can you please try this version and report on the result?

Kind regards,


Hello, I executed the file. The hub opens but only blue screen.

Gesendet von Mail für Windows

Right, this version should hopefully work :slight_smile:

Kind regards,


When I start the hub the hub window comes up and everything is blue no sign in symbol

Gesendet von Mail für Windows

Okay, we are making progress although it might not seem so :slight_smile:

Here is a new build:

Kind regards,


Ok. It works . Perfekt. Thank You


Gesendet von Mail für Windows

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