New Perf & Tools - TO Perf: Extra Ideas

First of all, absolutely amazing new feature with the new Performance tool calculator.

Here are some extra ideas that I believe would make it even better:

  1. Indicate the Climb Gradient (%) and Rate (fpm) in the TO Perf calculations as this is commonly a requirement to be met on most departures. Also do this for LDG Perf in case of a Go Around

  2. Calculate all possible autobrake settings in the LDG Performance simultaneously so one has a very easy overview of which to select in the aircraft (instead of having to calculate once with AB1, then calc again with AB2 and manually compare etc). I know at the moment you have the “OPTIMUM” setting, which is already pretty good. But in many airports, especially europe, the airport wants you to vacate at a specific taxiway depending on aircraft size. Having all possible AB results displays at once could make it easier to determine which one to choose.

  3. automatically make both TO & LDG (dispatch) calculations upon generating/dispatching a flight (using the given dispatch values) and indicate them directly in the OFP.

  4. Select the weather data source from which to populate the weather data, aka real world or from one of the servers like VATSIM or IVAO.

  5. Remember the values that a user selects for units. Every time I do a new calculation I have to reselect meters instead of feet and hpa instead of inHg etc…

  6. Button to send the Perf calculations (as text) to ones aircraft via the Hoppie network


There’s “populate from last flight” which I understand does most of the heavy lifting for you, so it’s already semi-automatic.

Please don’t. As far as I know no IRL OFP features detailed takeoff data and simBrief should try not to add that sort of stuff. At the very least, it should be at the very end and clearly separated from the rest and should be toggle-able on or off.

Alternatively, this could be featured as an additional tab on the Flight Briefing recap page, like below the map or something.




automatically make both TO & LDG (dispatch) calculations upon generating/dispatching a flight (using the given dispatch values) and indicate them directly in the OFP.

Not really make it avail in the OFP, but add possibility to get the performance data externally, so acars/datalink applications can make use of it.
But mostly agree with all the ideas.



Definitely agree that we need climb gradient!

Might be able to work something out for takeoff calculations, missed approach gradients might be a bit more down the road.

Currently the underlying endpoint can only do one at a time, unsure yet if we can add support for all settings concurrently. Will look into it.

There is already an abbreviated TLR (takeoff and landing report) that can be included in the OFP by enabling the Runway Analysis option. This report will also be visible in its own section on the Flight Briefing page.

Regarding Rodeo’s request, disabling Runway Analysis will remove this section from the OFP, but you will still be able to calculate performance using the provided widgets on the Briefing page.

Unsure if or when this will come. Currently we use pre-parsed METAR data from NOAA to populate the fields, whereas other sources we’d need to parse the raw METAR ourselves. So it’s a bit more work to add.

This is already possible by clicking the “Save” icons next to the units selections. Possibly these aren’t visible on mobile phones, but should be on larger screen sizes.

Not sure if this is do-able yet. Probably not for some time at least.

Best regards,

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100% should be added! But in all honesty aircraft devs need to start making ACARS systems to retrieve PWB currently most aircraft devs just considers ACARS to be CPDLC…

Just to piggy-back off this thread in-lieu of creating yet another:

I’d love to see the Accel-Stop distances from the graphical depiction, also displayed in the plain text output for takeoff performance.

Speaking of the Text format, any chance of including that as a downloadable option in the Simbrief Downloader? I use the Leonardo MD-80 ACARS .txt file which gets sent to a thermal printer, and I’d love to see that functionality mirrored with user calculated Takeoff / Landing data. (I’ve included a photo of the data printed on an 80mm thermal printout)

And finally, can the “Messages” line at the bottom of the data be user-editable?

For years I’ve wanted to see simbrief do more with the often forgotten TLR data, and seeing this come to fruition is amazing, thank you for all your hard work!

Excellent! T/O gradient is definitely the most important one!

In the performance calculations could the Trim Setting be added to the 737-800