Better Takeoff PERF Formatting for Airbus

Loving the Performance Calculator.

Can I suggest a slight tweak to the output. For the A320/A330, can the output be reformatted slightly to better match the layout of the actual TAKEOFF PERF screen on the MCDU? That is, speeds on the left and Flap/Flex on the right? It just makes entry more intuitive and real-world airlines use this to help minimize input errors.

V1: xxx     SHIFT: xxxx
V2: xxx     FLAPS: x
V3: xxx     FLEX: xx

Hi, thanks for the feedback! Glad you’re enjoying it.

This was considered, but I’m not sure yet if aircraft-specific formatting is something we should do or not. In the real-world this makes sense since pilots are usually only trained on one aircraft type at a time. In the sim world, pilots are regularly flying all kinds of aircraft types and they might prefer if the format was “stable” and not always changing on them.

Your point is valid and I’m not saying it won’t happen, but just giving some insight on why we’ve not done this yet. Maybe other users can comment here on what approach they would prefer?


Ideally simBrief should go with whichever format is closest to a typical real-world TLR, I think?



Well the issue is that all kinds of different airlines use different formats, and even the same airline will format it differently for different fleets. There is no one “real-world” format in this regard.

This was considered, but I’m not sure yet if aircraft-specific formatting is something we should do or not. In the real-world this makes sense since pilots are usually only trained on one aircraft type at a time. In the sim world, pilots are regularly flying all kinds of aircraft types and they might prefer if the format was “stable” and not always changing on them.

That’s a very valid argument. Glad it was considered. It was just a suggestion. This is a huge asset to simmers everywhere, regardless. So THANK YOU!

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