Performance Calcs

Took a quick spin this morning to test the new performance tools. Nice addition.

I have a request: Can you move the auto populate button to the very top of the page since that would be the default when using this tool? Also, when populating weather can you use the uploaded weather from ActiveSky? I ask because the populated weather does not match the uploaded weather.

I have one unrelated question on runway selection. It appears that the landing runway is almost always selected in the wrong direction (ex. 27 when it should be 09). No big deal since I should be verifying anyway.

Thanks again for the new features. Keep up the great work!


Not sure I understand, it is already near the top of the page I thought? Can you provide a screenshot of where you would like it to be?

Currently populating weather only works for the real-world live METAR. Maybe in the future we can add Historical Weather support.

Might be related to using historical weather, not sure. Will need to look into it more.


Could be. I’m old. While I as flying the flight I got a message a new version was available. I reloaded and yep right there on the top. Can we get the same weather used to generate the flight plan?

After some tests comparing results from SimBrief’s V1, V2 and V3 speed calculation with those of TOP CAT’s I have to recognize completely different values., eg 138-138-139 SimBrief) and TOP CATs 144-144-145 (with equal inputs!)
Which are correct? I use A320-200.

And is it intended that Sel Temp is always 67?

Sorry, Sel Temp changes! But differences in V speeds still exist. They are not always so extreme like in my example but exist.
Do you think that SimBrief’s calculation is more reliable?

Possibly. How does it compare to ‎Flysmart+ TakeOff on the App Store ?



It’s a pitty but I can’t compare as I own no i pad device. Other users may communicate their results.