Feature request - takeoff performance calc

Hello everyone,

First congratulations for the amazing simbrief new format!! looks extremely cool and nice!

Just a suggestion to consider, maybe another developer can join with simbreif / navigraph to add the takeoff performance calculation option? that will be super cool and crazy fun!

Simbrief with a takeoff calculation can be the best flight simulation tool ever created! dont u guys think? please share!

Problem is that the data to support Takeoff/Landing calcs simply isnt available. Boeing doesnt even publish a Flight Planning and Performance Manual (FPPM) for their new in-production aircraft; they use what is called Performance Engineer Tool (PET), that has the operational data for an airplane model (flight performance data), say the 787-9, but certified performance (takeoff and landing data), simply is not available - they don’t publish chase-around charts at all anymore, like they did for say a 737-300…

Even if they did, it would take a tremendous amount of full-time work just to made the most rudimentary data model.


And to make it similarly worse, the same goes for Airbus. All their performance stuff is handled by their own software (FlySmart) and the FCOM’s for the newer planes (A359 and similar) is only delivered on EFB’s.

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