Takeoff & Landing Calculators on Flight planing page

I love the popup takeoff and Landing Performance calculators on the View Flight plan page. But I think it would be useful to have them on the flight planing page to. Hopefully have them auto-populate with the current estimated Takeoff and Landing weights. That way we can do some PERF Calculations before finalizing our flight plan.

Currently we would have to open the calculator on a separate tab. Which works but its just a bit inconvenient.

A second request would be the ability to specify aircraft setup for the runway analysis in the OFP. currently it seems to always use MAX Manual breaking, but personally i would like to have it calculated with the lowest possible brake setting for the aircraft.

The second request is noted.

For the first request, it is already implemented. You can bring up the perf calculator by clicking the icons in the “Optional Entries” section:

Best regards,

huu. Ive never even noticed those buttons. I need to pay more attention. I useally click the buttons to show the weather at the top of the flight planing page in the flight info section. Thanks for informing me :slight_smile:

Any chance of that data getting reflected in the TLR?

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