Navigraph Simlink has stopped working

For some reason Navigraph Simlink has stopped working. I have the notice: “Could not connect to simulator!”

Hi …,


Are you talking MSFS or other FS? I shall assume X-Plane 11

Lets start from scratch with latest Simlink . Please disable any Antivirus and Firewall.

In Simlink Plugin Settings uninstall Simlink plugin from FS , then completely uninstall Simlink and Charts using Windows Programs and Features exactly as under.

If they exist delete directories
c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Navigraph and c:\Program Files\Navigraph

Then download and install latest Simlink and Charts Desktop using the default prompted locations.

You should be advised of Simlink being installed into FS(s). In Charts Desktop top right, click on Wings icon to Toggle Map Moving Map.

If you are still experiencing problems please post screenshots of Simlink Status and Simlink Plugin Settings pages using Guide to posting Screenshots. Also please post latest dlog from c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Navigraph\Simlink\logs

Please let us know how you get on.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Charts In-Game Panel


Best regards. Unfortunately, after following your directions, it still does not work, and the position of the aircraft is not recorded on the map. Thank you for your help. Sure enough, my simulator is X Plane 11.