Navigraph non operativo

Digitando il tasto che trasferisce il piano d i volo da simbrief a navigraph, le carte si aprono con il piano di volo visibile e subito dopo appare un banner che informa di qualcosa non funziona e Invita ad andare sul forum. Non riesco, sul forum, a trovare la soluzione. Aiutatemi a risolvere il problema.


Please post in English. Please post screenshots showing the issue using Guide to posting Screenshots


Typing the key that transfers the flight plan from simbrief to navigraph, the cards open with the flight plan visible and immediately afterwards a banner appears informing of something not working and Invite to go to the forum. I can’t find the solution on the forum. Please help me solve the problem


In Charts Settings, please check you have the latest Charts version 8.24.0


Please post screenshot showing the error message using Guide to posting Screenshots


Uploading: inop.jpg…
Sorry **[quote=“andrea3, post:6, topic:11604, full:true”]
Typing the key that transfers the flight plan from simbrief to navigraph, the cards open with the flight plan visible and immediately afterwards a banner appears informing of something not working and Invite to go to the forum. I can’t find the solution on the forum. Please help me solve the problem windods 11 pro navigraph 8.24.0



3 posts were split to a new topic: Charts INOP Message

By typing the key that transfers the flight plan from simbrief to navigraph, the tabs are opened with the flight plan visible and immediately afterwards a banner appears informing of something not working and inviting you to go to the forum. I can’t find the solution on the forum. Please help me to fix windows 11 pro navigraph 8.24.0


Please update to latest Version 8.25.1. Does the problem still exist ? Do you receive a black map?

As a work around you should be able to use the browser based version at It has the same functionality.



We have enabled some extra logging on your account . Please ensure you have Version 8.25.1 and try again.
