MYNN APP and VOR Issues

Greetings to all.
Using 1.0.0-beta.19 client, AIRAC Cycle 2101 rev.1. Flying into and out of MYNN has consistently caused several lockups in the C208 G1000 (cannot input) when the FP includes ZQA or ZBV VOR(s). FP: MYNN - KFXE: ZQA BR57V ZBV WAVUN5. Loaded in sim (generated by Simbrief) and could not use the G1000.
Flying KFXE - MYNN, FP: BAHMA RAJAY, selected ILS RWY 14 APP via MAJUR (manually added to FP in sim), and minutes later FP was blank. I had to exit the sim/flight before the approach.
This behavior started after AIRAC Cycle 2101. I have only default scenery for MYNN. It appears there are issues with MYNN (Aerodrome, procedures and FIR). Any help would be greatly appreciated as I do fly the Caravan in and out of the Bahamas regularly.

Jeffrey S. Bryner

Hi Jeffrey,
two requests please:

  1. Can you upload your content.xml file here (you find the location here)?
  2. Can you show us your community-folder (screenshot)?

Thank you,

Greetings Richard,
Please see attached below per your request.
FYI. Flew KFXE-MYNN again last evening with a FP of BAHMA RAJAY. I manually entered it in MSFS (via the UI - World Map FROM TO). Then, I added IAF WP MUNIE via the G1000 to my FP. Then LOADed APP ILS 14 for MYNN, but could not select MUNIE as the transition. Flew the MYNN ILS 14 APP with no issues.

Thanks for your help.
Jeffrey S. Bryner

Content.xml (5.1 KB)

Thank you very much for the details Jeffrey - content-file and your community-folder looks good so far … So, I will try to reproduce one of your flights … please give me a few hours more :wink:

Thank you,

Thank you Richard.
I have noticed since the latest AIRAC (2101 rev.1) I’m experiencing more anomalies. Last evening I flew the C208 as PCM7684 KIPL - KSAN (which I fly a good bit) with FP IPL V317 PGY. Approaching fix BROWS I selected the APP RNAV Y RWY 27 on the G1000 and the FP was erased and the G1000 display was not functional after that.

I want to note, in late December I did update the G1000/G3000 (working title) to their most recent version, and that may have something to do with this strangeness. I’m going to fall back to the previous release of Working Title’s G1000/G3000 and redo these flights.

I am certainly grateful for your attention to this (and all) matter. I’ll report back my results.

Thank you and Kind Regards,
Jeffrey S. Bryner
VATSIM ID 1218024

Hi Jeffrey,
thanks for your input and your details. What I know is, that the WT G1000/G3000 still using the very limited sim-engine for flight planning (terminal procedures) and not the new one, developed by WT, which they are using in their CJ4. Possible it´s worth to try such scenarios with the CJ4 because we know and it´s also confirmed by ASOBO/MS, that their internal flight planing logic is very “special” and has a few limits (ie. re-calculation the flight path and/or truncate waypoints when you add an approach to a STAR, approach transitions can´t be selected, …).

So when my assumption,that the WT G1000/G3000 still uses the internal-sim engine for their flight planing, is correct, than it´s clear, why all these things happens. It´s really worth a try to fly such reports with the WT CJ4 - or at least to test the flight plans in the CJ4 FMC.

Cheers & thank you,

Goodday, i experienced almost same problem in the Bonanza 36 with modified G1000. G1000 freezes on almost all VOR (i managed to plug in one but i thinkl because it was under the route) and waypoints same issue. I did as suggested above and ttook the CRJ4 out (also mod version) no troubles there All wps accepted in this case Balbo OCN. I am able to make a flightplan in worldmap. For short FPs an option but its a pain.
My flights where between KFUL KGCN and i managed to get HEC in but no others. (oit froze on PDZ and GFS. Same issue this morning withe a flight fm KSNA to KCRQ but here nothing possible no WPs No VORs
Kind regards

Thank you for your reply. I forgot to follow-up with Richard, but I experienced similar issues in the CJ4 as I do in the C208B.

With the most recent MSFS update this week, flying the caribbean has become a miserable experience at best. Using WT G1000 v0.3.4 and AIRAC Cycle 2102 rev .2. Flying as BEZ408 TNCM-TJSJ includes the STT VOR. If you preload a MSFS flightplan (generated in SimBrief as a .pln file) with this routing: MODOR2 JUICE B520 STT RTE6 CHAKA results in a lockup of / unresponsive G1000 buttons and display before even getting a chance to taxi, entering it manually (not using a .pln or .flt file) results in a lockup of / unresponsive G1000 buttons and display in the air. In this case, the STT VOR is not recognized (no ID nor LAT LON) consistently. DCT to sometimes loads it, sometimes locks up. Very frustrating.

I hope the new partnership Asobo-Working Title helps, but, as Richard mentions, I think this is a deeper issue with the sim itself and how flight plans are built and executed and that interaction with the G1000.

Jeffrey S. Bryner