My flightplan is not loading into my aircraft

Hello, I have a question because my flight plan is not loading into my plan in Microsoft flight simulator. I have the a32NX (flybywire) and always when I want to load my flight plan into the airplane it says “wrong user id” or something like that. I already have the software downloaded and I even deleted my whole account and created a new one but it still doesn’t work. I checked every time if there is a wrong user id but it’s not it’s always my id so can you please tell me what’s the problem?


Hi Nico,

Based on the logs, it does not look like your Pilot ID is entered correctly. Have you followed the SimBrief integration setup instructions in FlyByWire’s Documentation?

If you have and it still doesn’t work, you may need to contact FlyByWire support via Discord.

Best regards,