Init request does not load flight plan on A32nx

Hello, I have read on the forums that the same thing has happened to more people than to me, this is my problem… I create a flight plan from simbrief correctly, I turn on the tablet of the plane with my user number already on, I press init data req* and correct I put the pilot id username in mcdu and correct but when I press init request* it comes uplink insert in prog and there it stays. It does not load the flight plan. I have tried other flight plans and nothing. The strange thing is that it loads well on the tablet but it doesn’t even happen to the mcdu. if someone You can help. I will be very grateful. Thank you


Please post in English.

Also make sure you have generated on OFP in Simbrief which is loaded in MCDU.


Hi there, I have exactly the same problem as you, really frustrating, cant fly without a flight plan eh!



That post is old and many things have changed.

Please advise in detail what steps you have taken, what version of FBW A32NX ? Some scrrenshots would help using Guide to posting Screenshots.


Thanks Ian, I have resolved the issue.

You are welcome. Glad it is resolved.

Happy flying.


Hello, the problem has already been solved, what I did was uninstall the plane and reinstall it. Thanks, I’m closing the thread.

Thanks for the update. Glad it is resolved.

Happy flying.


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