Hi, I have a problem with my flight plan custom points. When the Navigraph database is active these are deleted from the sim and are reported as the only point at the north pole. When the database is deactivated the flight plan is loaded correctly. Is there a solution, other than to use only the sim database?
Thank you.
With Navigraph Database
Without Navigraph
Yes, we had reported this to MS/ASOBO short before the release of SU10. ASOBO is still investigate this issue.
It’s not a navdata issue even when it looks so because in the previous version with exactly the same data it was working. So there is any change in SU10 but we have no answer to this at the moment sorry.
Here is our report to this issue to the ASOBO devs, where you also can follow our case:
Sorry, at the moment we can’t do anything till this bug is fixed.
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Thanks a lot for the answer. Greetings.
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