MFS2020 Problem when opening the navigraph window

MFS2020 Fenix a320. During a flight at the opening of navigraph or the selection of some specific map, the plane begins to yaw left and right and then stabilize. I attach video of the problem. What can it depend on? thanks

Hello! Thanks for posting.

Woah! That is some serious stuttering right there - and this is likely the cause for the erratic movements. Nothing we can prevent, unfortunately, since the panel and the simulator share the same resources and any processing done in the panel blocks the simulator from doing its thing during those frames.

Perhaps the situation could be slightly improved if you updated to the recently released version 8.4 of the in-game panel, available in the Navigraph hub!

You can also make this situation significantly better by running the Charts desktop app instead if that is an option. There is a setting that makes the app always appear on top of anything else, which means you can have it visible on top of the simulator if you want to!

Kind Regards,

thank you for the answer. once everything was fine lately I’m noticing this problem, I thought it would collide with some update of mfs2020 or the dx12
good evening

Did you try updating the panel as mentioned in my last post?

And is running the external app an option?

I tried with the external app and it works and anyway I’m using navigraph also on an external tablet to have no problems

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Happy to hear it! That sounds like a good setup!

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