The map METAR flight category does not match the airport weather information category. For example, right now PASI shows a green dot on the map (VFR conditions) when selecting flight category, but the weather information when you select the airport shows red (IFR conditions).
Hi there! Thank you for the feedback!
What you are seeing is a cache mismatch. The information presented on the map is cached separately from what you see in the weather information! This is not easy to work around without performance issues, but we are aware of this and we will be investigating possible solutions!
Kind Regards,
This should since have improved a lot. Are you still seeing discrepancies?
Kind Regards,
I’m not the original poster but I found this report with search. Right now I’m seeing KFUL showing green on the map METAR categories, but MFVR/blue in the weather description.
On further inspection, it’s more widespread than KFUL, as the whole LA area is marked MVFR but all green in Charts.
Thanks for posting!
I investigated and found an issue in the rounding of the visibility values in our map, which would cause a report with 5SM visibility to be perceived as one with 5.000186411820995
SM visibility.
This resulted in incorrect flight categories being detected, and it was the cause behind the cases that I was able to find during the time I looked into this.
The issue is now fixed, and the map should be more consistent as a result! Please do continue to let us know if you find any issues that remain for over 5 minutes.
Kind Regards,
Thanks for fixing that, but I suspect it’s not the only issue. I’m looking at the LA area right now out of curiosity (it’s local night there) and I found two inconsistencies in a cursory search among those marked green (a bunch are blue and red, rightfully as it appears).
Both marked green on map, but MVFR:
KONT 160853Z 08003KT 5SM HZ BKN250 10/06 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP176 T01000061 58008 $
KLAX 160853Z 00000KT 5SM BR FEW006 SCT200 BKN250 12/11 A3007 RMK AO2 SLP181 T01170111 58003 $
Notably both with 5SM visibility. Others in the vicinity with less are marked IFR, with more are marked VFR.
Interestingly, this one is consistently marked IFR both in map and METAR display, however SkyVector thinks it qualifies as MVFR: KLGB 160853Z AUTO 00000KT 3SM BR CLR 11/09 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP180 T01110089 56006
I’m not sure enough about the rules to say which one is more correct. The METAR shown by SkyVector is the same as in Navigraph, just the categorization is different.
Thank you so much for these reports, and especially for including the raw METARs!
I found a couple of new bugs that have now been fixed. Let me know if you find anything else!
Kind Regards,
Hi, I have this behaviour:
In Charts app Windows, the METAR for MMCS show this:
MMCS 191455Z 08007KT 10SM SCT080 SCT200 26/15 A3024 RMK SLP112 52005 953 8/072
Checking in for the same AIRPORT, I get this:
As you can see, the METAR from the APP is near 5 hours older, but from the aviationweather page is just 1 hour older.
Is there some delay in the information picked by your servers?
Sorry for the delay!
That sounds unexpected, and it could be due to a connection issue between our servers and aviationweather. It’s weird, though - that happens from time to time, but we have not seen any such events in the last week!
Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce the issue since aviationweather currently does not provide any METAR for this airport (only TAF). Please do let us know if you see something similar again and we’ll try to look into it faster!
Kind Regards,