I have a regular Navigraph subscription and I regularly update the AIRAC data using your Navigraph Hub application. There are no problems when I use PMDG or FENIX aircraft; the database is updated correctly. However, the problem arises when I use native FS2020 aircraft, such as the TBM 930 and others. The database appears to be outdated; for example, the MDPP runways are displayed incorrectly as 01-19, and no SIDs or STARs are available.
Please report this to MSFS. We may not/can’t update the runway idents in the native MSFS sceneries. Try to find a 3rd party scenery with the correct runway idents and you will see that all terminal procedures are available and also selectable like in the PMDG, Fenix, Maddog, …
All these addons are using external databases from us, therefore it’s correct. The MSFS database has a lot of limitationen, which we can’t handle - one is, that we cannot update the runways, even when we have the correct runways.
Sorry, it’s not a navdata issue its an MSFS issue (sadly from day one on, a reported issue).
Thank you very much for your quick response. Could you please clarify something for me about your Navigraph Hub program ? The first package is AIRAC Cycle 2408 Rev.1; I may have mistakenly thought that it updated the FS2020 database. I am wondering, therefore, what the function of this package is?
From your navigraph website there is this announcement : INTEGRATION FOR G3000 AND G5000
The G3000 and 5000 are intuitive avionics systems targeted towards light turbine aircraft. With multiple glass cockpit displays and touchscreen control units, the G3000 and 5000 empower flight simmers with the latest technology. The Navigraph Avionics Plugin for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) is a game-changer for the G3000 and G5000 avionics systems, utilized by the popular default MSFS TBM 930 and the Cessna Citation Longitude, as well as Flight FX’s Vision Jet and HJet. By displaying the charts directly on these avionics systems, there is no need for external devices."
the package contains all navigational data updates like frequencies, navaids, waypoints, airways, terminal procedures, …
All these information can be updated but not the runway idents even when we could (as you see in the PMDG and Fenix).
There is also a MSFS limitation:
When a terminal procedure can’t be assiged to a runway in the MSFS, the MSFS doesn’t show the terminal procedures, even when they are included. Therefore my suggestion to test a 3rd party scenery (when available) where the runways reflects the real world.
Again, thats not a navdata issue, it’s simply a limitation in the MSFS. We have all data and we offer all, but we have no influence about the MSFS logic in the background, sorry.
They actually have it right in the base data but messed it up with the enhanced version from the WU.
I fixed the numbers in the BGL binary MDPP_Scene.bgl (475.8 KB), you can replace it at Official\OneStore\microsoft-airport-mdpp-puerto-plata\scenery\Microsoft\PuertoPlata\MDPP_Scene.bgl (has to replace the stock file, so make a backup to be safe).
Hi JKTech,
Thank you very much for your help; I really appreciate it. To solve the problem, yesterday I uninstalled the ASOBO MDPP package, and everything went fine. Now I will download it again and replace it with your correct file.