Lsgs - rnp rwy 25

Flew this in the Fenix A320… as you can see from the chart, after GRANA there’s a speed limit of 210 knots, then GS615 waypoint, then a nice procedure turn to the right… these are all missing. Including the altitudes at different waypoints.

have you entered GRANA as VIA for the RNP approach? Because when not, you only see the final part but GRANA is designed as IAF, means in Airbus language VIA (or Boeing TRANSITION) to the final approach …


I’ll have to try it a second time, but I recall the MCDU not giving me a VIA option.

Either way, I’ll report back. Might take me a few days, though.

Sorry, I can´t reproduce it …

Here RNAV25 via GRANA:

I can´t see any missing waypoint here, sorry - it seems to be an issue on your system or a user error.


What the heck… that’s certainly not what I had.

Ok, well, I’ll try again sometime.

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