[SOLVED, cause I'm a moron] CYHZ - MINAS1 - Rwy 32

I just checked and there was a Nav Database update available for the Fenix A320, but yesterday I flew the mentioned approach and, as per the STAR there is a restriction of 5000 feet and 210 knots starting at ULBAR, however the Fenix showed no restriction until AVRIX.

Could someone verify that this has been corrected in the latest nav data?

thats correct so far, because the restriction at ULBAR is only mandatory for the approach to RWY23 … but you´re plan was to use runway 32 and here AVRIX is the mandatory waypoint for the restriction. You see this also on your posted chart:

So, the data are correct …
Hope that helps,

ohhh my god, i’m such an idiot. yea, of course, says rwy 23 right there lol.

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No Roger, all is good :slight_smile: … I have also need a little bit of time to see this. My first assumption was also a database issue … so, no idiot … we are humans and that is so great, isn´t it? :slight_smile:

Have a nice day and enjoy the Fenix A320 :wink:

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