I’ve reinstalled Navigraph charts, and it still loses connection
during setting up a flight plan.
When I get this message, I click out of charts and restart to fix it. So, I’m here now to fix this issue.
I’ve reinstalled Navigraph charts, and it still loses connection
Hello! Welcome back!
Please follow these steps to provide us with the log file:
%appdata%/Navigraph Charts/logs
and press entermain.log
fileKind Regards,
[2024-01-26 10:33:41.098] [error] Error: Invalid LngLat object: (NaN, NaN)
at t.default (file:///C:/Users/Stan/AppData/Local/Programs/navigraph-charts/resources/app.asar/dist/web/main.bundle.js:2:1750566)
at div
at file:///C:/Users/Stan/AppData/Local/Programs/navigraph-charts/resources/app.asar/dist/web/main.bundle.js:2:5892807
at file:///C:/Users/Stan/AppData/Local/Programs/navigraph-charts/resources/app.asar/dist/web/main.bundle.js:2:334849
The log file was to big to send. Do you need more than this?
If I did this wrong. Just give so help with how to send what you want.
Thank you! I just meant upload the whole file (not copy its contents) by pressing this button:
No worries, I cleaned up a bit. The issue is the same as for these topics:
I have the same recommendation: until this issue is fixed, please try to do any of these:
This is a really weird issue that we are looking into, but it is 100% related to the area that the map has available to it. Increasing the space for the map will get rid of the error for now!
Kind Regards,
Once I have it in note pad. I’m not sure where to put it from there. This were I’m not pc savvy.
Absolutely, as mentioned - no worries! I got what I needed! Thanks for the logs!
Hello again!
This should now be fixed in the recently released v8.33.0
! Let us know if you are still seeing this issue.
Kind Regards,