Navigraph Charts dropping out

I am experiencing an increasingly frequent issue with Navigraph failing to display any charts, enroute or airport, at all. The program launches correctly, then at some random point, my flightplan and all charts disappear (even when already loaded). It is not loss of internet, as my connection is sufficient to log in. Any attempt to re-launch Charts results in “Loading flightplan”, followed by a blank screen. If I’m really lucky, the system will find the current flight plan, load the flight path, with the message “Something went wrong. Couldn’t load the flight data”. and an otherwise blank screen.

Attempting to use the browser version of charts results in the same outcome when this happens.



That is likely to be an intermittent loss of internet even for a short time. I would look at any programs on your system which might affect your internet connectivity.

I suggest you start from scratch with latest Charts and Simlink (assuming you have and want Simlink :slightly_smiling_face:) . Please disable any Antivirus and Firewall.

In Simlink Plugin Settings uninstall Simlink plugin from your FS , then completely uninstall Simlink and Charts using Windows Programs and Features exactly as under .

If they exist delete directories
c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Navigraph and c:\Program Files\Navigraph

Then download and install latest Simlink and Charts Desktop using the default prompted locations.

You should be advised of Simlink being installed into your FS (for non MSFS) .

Restart computer.

Next time you get the disconnection try connecting using a phone hotspot.

Please let us know how you get on.


Greetings Ian,

My internet is fine during outages. I am able to access all websites including Navigraph during these outages without issue. I am able to log in and out of Navigraph during these outages. The only thing I can’t do is view any chart either through the desktop app, or through the charts.navigraph website.

The only programs active on my system during simulated flights are: X-plane, Pilot2ATC, Navigraph Charts, and Acrobat Reader.

I downloaded and reinstalled Navigraph Charts/Simlink during the most recent outage, this did not resolve the problem. About 30 minutes later, i was able to view the charts again.

There has been no change to my antivirus or firewall configurations since having continuous correct function of charts.

Charts normally works correctly with full functionality. But these drop outs are becoming more frequent. When I fly simulated flights, I generally do so for roughly an 8 hour block. This had not been a problem until about a month or two ago. Since then, the drop outs have become more frequent to the point that they can now be expected to occur at least once during an eight hour period.

Is it expected that an instantaneous internet drop out should cause me to be locked out of accessing the charts for 30 minutes or more after internet is restored? If that is the case, why can I log in and out of Navigraph whilst being unable to view the charts?

Thank you for your help,

Thomas Gray.

Sent on the go with Vodafone


As a test, please load on your phone (or tablet), connecting it to the same Wifi as your computer. Run it during your next flight and load the same flight and charts etc. Do you experience the same issue there?

If so, switch away from the Wifi and to a mobile broadband connection. Does that work better?



Greetings Stephen,

I had an opportunity to fly my simulator today. I was prompted to update
Charts to a new version. I experienced a momentary dropout several hours
into into my session. I am pleased to report that Charts behaved quite
differently than before. I received a disconnection warning screen for a
few seconds, but before I had time to test anything, my charts were once
again displayed.

If I encounter any further problems, I will be in touch. For now, I
believe the problem is resolved.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Thomas Gray