Latest version of charts wont load on ipad

i downloaded it about 2 hours ago before my flight…
its working good.

looking at about info , saying 8.31.0 on your linked version for testing is working nicely?

I checked the App Store and the latest version of TestFlight does indeed require iOS 14 or later.

Perhaps you installed TestFlight some long time ago before this was the case and then uninstalled it? That would allow you to install it still, and as far as I can tell that is the only way to get access to it on iOS 12.

@albpri The only workaround that I can think of is to install TestFlight on a newer device (perhaps you have an iPhone that is on iOS 14+). That would then let you download an older version of the app on your iPad too!

As you can probably tell, there are a lot of signs that it is time for us to let go of iOS 12. But we’ll try to do so in a state where you can actually use the application…

maybe i have installed testflight in the past ? really dont recall though… but like i said 8.31.0 build ios 12
is working nicely now??? with the link you posted though, so im not to savy with this stuff so dont know what you changed??

Thanks for the fast responses. I think that an earlier installation on your device is the explanation in this case. But that indeed means that it is working for you on iOS 12, which is a great sign!

We have not changed a single thing. All we have done is build the app using developer tools that are no longer supported, requiring a certain amount of hacks from our side to even run in the first place :sweat_smile:

We’ll see what the next course of action will be. Either we continue to test to try and make it work using new tooling, or we just publish the current build as the last working version for iOS 12…

We have decided to make this the last release for iOS 12. We have submitted the build that we published on TestFlight to Apple for review, and once the review is done it will be available to everyone.

We will make sure to explicitly not support iOS 12 starting from the next version so that you guys can stay on the now working version for a while longer.

If after the release of 8.31.1 you still are having issues, please let us know!

@skysail Your workaround worked well for me. Installed Testflight on a newer iPad, then installed the older version of Testflight on my old iPad and installed Charts testversion. Now running Charts on iOS 12 again. Thanks!

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The update was just released on the app store! It might take a short moment for Apple’s servers to roll it out in all regions.

Please install the store version and let us know if it still works as expected!

Hey everyone, I am on an iPad mini 3 and on version 12.5. If you uninstall navigraph charts and reinstall, it will work, at least for me because that i was I did. Hope that solves everyones problems!

I just installed the 8.31.1 on my iPad 12.5 and it works fine. Thanks Jan W.