I am using MSFS PMDG 737 and during KLAS approach procedure, FMS has RNV 19L,R list with Y,Z and have another V procedure
However, KLAS(Las Vegas) RWY RNV 19L, R “Y,Z” items exist in the chart, but “V” items are not found at navigraph chart
I am using MSFS PMDG 737 and during KLAS approach procedure, FMS has RNV 19L,R list with Y,Z and have another V procedure
However, KLAS(Las Vegas) RWY RNV 19L, R “Y,Z” items exist in the chart, but “V” items are not found at navigraph chart
Whilst the procedure is published in AIRAC data it cannot be flown without the chart which is likely company specific:
These are very specific procedures which require the operator to obtain Civil Aviation Authority approval before its pilots can fly an RNAV Visual.
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