Just signed up but dont know waht to do next

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I tried to put a new message to explain about myself or see which topic/mew post? HELP

Hi! You have posted in the Navigraph technical support forum. Do you need help with any of our products, or are you perhaps looking for our main website navigraph.com?

Kind Regards,

Sorry, but I’m lost. Just downloaded Navigraph apps and can’t open them. I’m using a Mac Studio and I get a screen showing that the app can’t be opened because Apple can’t verify it doesn’t contain malware. Then it says the app needs to be updated. I’m using X-Plane. Should these apps be installed in the X-Plane folder?



When you want to install say Navigraph Charts you go to Navigraph Downloads, download Charts for MacOS.

When you go to your MacOS downloads section you open the Navigraph Charts.dmg
You should see:

You drag the Navigtaph Charts icon onto the Applications icon. This should install Charts.

To have Moving Map functionality, double click on the Navigraph Simlink.pkg. Follow the continue prompts:

You would do a similar download and install for FMS Data Manager (used to update your AIRAC navigation data)

If you have further questions, screenshots help using Guide to posting Screenshots
