Ils rwy24 @ leib

Flying the ILS RWY24 X into Ibiza today and noticed the ILS freq. didn’t auto tune in the FMC as it does at other airports. (Working Title CJ4). I had to manually tune it to the correct frequency. This is supposedly an issue between both the WT CJ4 and also FBW A320 mods. I believe the correct frequency is in the sim though, as the GS/LOC come alive when I manually tune it to the correct freq. I don’t know who PAE issue this is to fix. The airport developer claims they left the ILS alone as is. The aircraft developer can’t find issue with aircraft. Would this somehow be impacted by Navigraph?

Hi Robert,
I can´t give you a clear answer of this but what we do is, to provide the data - nothing more. We have no really influence how and when the default airplanes or and addons will use it and why (or why not). The WT CJ4 works normally very, very, very stable, accurate and is a very good reference, to look on the completeness and quality of the data. So, I´m not 100% sure, if this isn´t any scenery issue …

What I have understood now is, that you´re using an addon scenery for IBIZA, correct? One tip could be, to try the same but with the default scenery and not with the addon scenery to look, if the same happens.

Also, I have read in the Microsoft Flightsim forum, that this is party really a common issue with 3rd party sceneries:

Again, I know all of these answers are not very helpful for you, but I would also recommend to check the RADNAV page, if the frequency/course is set correctly - with or without autotune :wink:


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Thanks Richard! Supposedly, from talking more with Aerosoft support, it seems to be a bug with MSFS itself.


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Thanks for the feedback Rob - yes, that was also my first assumption because I have made a lot of tests with this due the dual-ILSs and have also not found a way how I can set a specific frequency per default. So, we will wait on a fix from ASOBO/MS …

Thanks again!

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