ILS Frequency for Frankfurt rwy 07L

Yesterday, on a flight to Frankfurt, I was directed to rwy07L. I set my FMS data for the approach but, when close to the interception, my display was not showing the ILS LOC, GS marks. So I checked the FMS and noticed that the ILS frequency was not in acordance with the Chart. So I have introduced manually the value provided by the chart and I could make my approach normally. Both my charts and FMS data are those provided by Navigraph. So what might be the reason for the incorrect FMS data?

Kind Regards,


There is a dual ILS on both 07L and 25R Domingos with differing frequencies.

Unfortunately due to an add-on limitation it likely the first listed in the database will be used for auto-tuning, however you do not mention which add-on or sim.

Additionaly depending upon the scenery installed will reflect just what is available to tune.

Thanks for your reply. I am running P3Dv4.5, with Aerosoftt A320 and Aerosoft Frankfurt 2.0 scenery. It was the first time I was directed to the 07/25 rwy, and I was not aware of the situation, as the Navigraph chart only mentions one ILS frequency.



You’ll notice a difference of frequencies when comparing Yankee & Zulu approaches.

Right! I had never before noticed a difference in frequencies for different approaches (Z an Y). I have checked in a couple of airports and the frequencies are the same!
So it seems there are no problems with the data. I will be careful in future approaches.



Should you have access to the NG charts check page 10-1P8 for EDDF section

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